SeLFiE’s training activity in Burgos has laid the foundations for the creation of a new STEAM methodology in bilingual early childhood and primary education.
Between July 4 and 8, the face-to-face training activity that closed the second year of the three life of the Erasmus+ KA201 project ‘SeLFiE: STEAM educational approach and foreign language learning in Europe’ took place in Burgos (Spain).
Under the title C1-Learning activity: ‘Long-life ScienceL2: a training course for teachers about STEM and CLIL for bilingual education’, around 25 teachers from the entire project consortium (Spain, Malta and Poland) gathered at the Polisón Hall of the Teatro Principal and in the Auditorium of the Museum of Human Evolution for five days in which they discussed issues related to the materials generated for bilingual education.
The opening of the activity took place in the City Hall of Burgos, where its mayor, Daniel de la Rosa, received the project consortium.
During the sessions, the new proposals for SeLFiE didactic units have been shared and various workshops have been held with boys and girls with the aim of putting the developed units into practice.
We must highlight the session starring Mónica Edwards, author of ‘Guardians of the Sea’, one of the stories used in the development of one of the SeLFiE Didactic Units.
Finally, a round table was opened between the participants and teachers from nursery and primary schools who have collaborated by starting up the teaching units in their schools in Malta, Warsaw and La Palma.
This activity has allowed the exchange of experiences and knowledge by the consortium, contributing to the enrichment of the project and putting a point followed by the third year of the same, whose objective is focused on the completion of all the materials, their dissemination and validation among the entire European educational community in charge of bilingual education.