SeLFiE has a wide-scoped international vocation: the project has the potential to enhance the learning experience on both topics: the STEAM subjects and the second language. Moreover, this enhancement will be evidence-based and validated, facilitating the access to interesting resources for promoting autonomous learning.
Our strategic partnership, in detail
The SeLFiE merges a multi-disciplinary partnership which ensures the competition of all objectives planned and the delivery of all outputs and events.
The project is coordinated by the University of Burgos and, in particular, by PhD. Ileana Greca and PhD. Esther Sanz. They have proven expertise in participating in international projects; their core research is about science and education and also the framework and the implementation of bilingual education. The International Trilingual School of Warsaw (ITSW) is implementing innovative programmes for teaching and learning in multilingual settings and also have a long-term commitment to active and participative pedagogies and the integration of the STEAM approach in the classroom. The CFIE Burgos CFIE Burgos is a public institution inside the Education Regional Government, which provides training to pre-school, primary and secondary teachers, as well as brings innovation to schools (Spain). Together with the International Trilingual School of Warsaw and the schools associated will implement the project outputs in the large pilot to be conducted within the SeLFiE project. The Faculty of Education of Malta was also previously in contact with the UBU, and their research fields are complementary to those conducted by PhD. Greca and PhD. Sanz, collaborating on designing and disseminating an evidence-based, validated at European Scale and robust methodological framework for bilingual education based on the CLIL model, aided and supported by the inclusion of the STEAM topics. The University of Granada has also a complementary role thanks to their expertise in bilingual education, pre-service training and pedagogy of foreign languages. The SME Partner, Kveloce I+D+I is a consultancy expert in the implementation of European Project and, specifically, the communication, dissemination and exploitation of projects, the Social Impact Assessment and the Citizen Engagement.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website and the factsheets, reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.